Thursday, June 9, 2011

Fonetik Spelng

One of my children has entered the age of phonetic spelling. It's an ongoing word obsession with this one: making lists, writing stories, spelling things out in refrigerator magnet...

Can you guess the word?


  1. I got it!!! But do you want me to post it this early, or give everyone a chance? :) I think being a second grade teacher gave me an advantage!

  2. I'll bet it did, Anna! I love going to parent-teacher conferences and listening to the teacher interpret the scribbles.

    Let's hold your expert guess until later. Thanks for playing.

  3. The correct answer? "Scurried".

  4. Our younger daughter was a master of creative spelling during her growing up years. Now she teaches English as a Second Language. Her favorite example so far of a student's writing is "Lemeseyrteef." in a story about a trip to the dentist - "Let me see your teeth."

  5. Love it, Barbara, thanks for sharing!
